On Sunday 18th September, Team DEBRA took part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk!
L'equip, inclòs DEBRA CEO, Tony Byrne, and President del Patronat, Jim Irvine, was joined by DEBRA Vicepresident and Scottish footballing legend, Graeme Souness.
The Kiltwalk was led off by 14 year old Isla Grist, who lives with EB distròfica recessiva. Isla joined the team and completed the 13 mile Kiltwalk route in her wheelchair.
Graeme, Isla's father, Andy Grist, Jim Irvine and Professor Gareth Inman, researcher at the CRUK Beatson Institute at University of Glasgow, all took on the 22 mile Mighty Stride for DEBRA.
So far the team have va recaptar més de 10,000 lliures to help stop the pain for people like Isla living with the painful genetic skin blistering condition, EB.
All donations from the Kiltwalk are generously matched up to 50% by Sir Tom Hunter and The Hunter Foundation.