Next month, you can play your part and knit every day to help raise vital funds for EB research i el nostre Apel·lació Una vida lliure de dolor.

A woman in a DEBRA t-shirt knitting

El challenge is flexible to suit you. You can set your own target by knitting as much as possible or knit for a specific amount of time a day. You could take on one big project or knit lots of smaller items. You’ll join a community of knitters and like-minded people who are each inspired to knit to help #StopThePain. 


Why is this challenge important?

We have less than three months to go until the end of the year and £500,000 to raise to achieve our A Life Free of Pain target. Every day you spend knitting in November could help us fund research into treatments to help stop the pain for people like Isla. 

Isla Grist, membre de DEBRA, i el seu gos

To sign up, please visit the event page.
